Monday, September 10, 2012

Chapter 3 and Jones Family

I found the readings for this week to be very interesting.  They helped me to better focus on the literacy history paper because I was able to ask myself the questions that were found at the end of the reading for the Jones' family. As I read through how the Jones family used literature it reminded me of how my family utilized writing.  My parents are both very strong believers in writing literally everything down.  My mother has several cookbooks full of recipes that she she has collected and my father has notes in nearly all of his manuals for the different machines and vehicles in our household.  Books were always abundant and available to be read at anyone's leisure.  It made me feel very sad that not everyone grows up with that many opportunities to learn.  I really like the activities that the book, Classrooms That Work, provided.  I remember doing several of those activities in my early grades education.  I was a little confused as to why you were not supposed to correct the students handwriting.  It seems to me that you would want to help the children and allowing them to write in an incorrect forms seems counter-productive. 

What are some activities that you remember doing in your early education that were not mentioned in the book?  Do you feel like they enriched your learning?

1 comment:

  1. I think of the hardest things to do as a prospective teacher is to think about growing up in a household that does not have the same opportunities that so many of us had while growing up. So many students do not have access to books and literature at home, let alone someone to help them with the books they get from school. Keeping this in mind could be really helpful when trying to help students learn to read and pick out books to take home. I also remember doing some of the activities mentioned in the book. I remember having to do a book report in the second grade in which we were required to dress in character to present it to our classroom. This made reading the book and doing the report so much fun! I read one of the "Arthur" books and dressed up as him with a yellow shirt and dark rimmed glasses with no lenses in them. Even though this has been so long ago, I always think of this every time I hear the mention of doing a book report because it is such a found memory for me.
